OPEN CALL: PhD students and early career researchers from Srpska to visit Brussels.
The Republic of Srpska will be again represented during the European Week of Regions and Cities from 10-13 October 2016. Additionally, this could be opportunity for PhD students and early career researchers from Srpska to participate in the 2016 Master Class on EU Cohesion Policy in Brussels. All selected participants will have their travel and accommodation sponsored and there is no charge to attend. For the fourth year, the European Week of Regions and Cities will host the EWRC Masterclass. This prestigious event will bring together 30 selected early career researchers and PhD students to present and discuss recent research on EU Cohesion Policy and regional/urban development with EU officials and renowned academics.
Participants will attend five days of coordinated sessions focussing on EU Cohesion Policy and will also have the opportunity to briefly present their core research to panels of senior EU officials for comment and feedback. The Master Class includes roundtables, interactive sessions and networking events with the most senior EU officials. Previous attendees have agreed their attendance at this event has been beneficial to their career.
This year's topics are:
(1) Promoting inclusive growth and social cohesion, including the territorial dimension and the integration of urban and rural development.
(2) The significance of the network economy: policy learning; transfers between regions and cities; knowledge spillovers.
(3) Improving the Cohesion policy delivery system: performance, simplification and accountability.
Please fill this application and send it to Daniela Carl at by 9 May 2016 12pm. If you have any questions please contact