EWRC 2022: Republic of Srpska active in Regional Cooperation

As every year, the Republic of Srpska actively participated in the 20th edition of the European Week of Region Cities 2022 organized by the Committee of the Regions and the European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) during the period October 10/13 in Brussels.
Within the framework of the main event, the Republic of Srpska participated in a consortium (workshop) made up of regions from Hungary, Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Croatia, while the leader of the consortium was the Greater Voivodeship (Wielkopolskie region) from Poland.
The aim of the workshop was to discuss the problems and challenges faced by young people, while encouraging the inclusion and participation of young people in order to contribute to the decision-making of the authorities at the local and regional level.
In addition, the Republic of Srpska was represented by the president of the Youth Council of Republic of Srpska (OSRS), Mr. Mladen Pjevcevic, who addressed all the participants via a video link, emphasizing the importance of youth participation at the local and regional level, but also promoting the current OSRS project addressing this issues known as "It is up yo You(th)".
Workshop summary

Following the launch of the European Year of Youth 2022, youth empowerment has become a key topic on the EU agenda. Young people have also played a prominent role in the recently concluded Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE). Their visions, opinions and voices of concern were heard all over Europe in the discussions, conferences and citizens' panels.
The challenges which the young generation is facing are vital for regional and local authorities across Europe. These are levels of administration that are the closest to the people and that work with young people on a daily basis.
During the workshop we would like to demonstrate a number of local and regional initiatives aimed at young people. In this interactive debate you will be able to hear about activities aiming to empower young people on the labor market, develop skills for greater civic engagement and competencies for community-building. We will also present the conclusions of an interregional project, as well as debates organized under the CoFoE showing youth engagement in creating a better future that belongs to them.

The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance.
The event was created in 2003 when the European Committee of the Regions invited Brussels-based local and regional representations to the European Union to open their doors to visitors simultaneously. One year later the European Commission's DG for Regional Policy also joined the adventure.
Developing from the initial concept, the event has become a European networking platform for experts in regional and local development. Exchange of good practice in economic development and social inclusion, cross-border cooperation, public-private partnerships, regional innovation and community-led local development have become some of its many topics.
Over the years, the event has grown into the key event on EU Regional Policy. It welcomes some 6.000 participants in October each year (local, regional, national and European decision-makers and experts) for more than 100 workshops and debates, exhibitions and networking opportunities.
In addition to the Brussels-based workshops, local events are run from September to November all over Europe.