Republic of Srpska active in Open Debate on Future of EU Cohesion Policy
On November 8 the Abruzzo Region hosted an "Open Debate on Future of EU Cohesion Policy" organized by the IPA Adriatic Cross-border Program where the Head of the Republic of Srpska Representation in Brussels took an important role as a speaker and contributor among many other experts.

From the perspective of the EU's pre-accession policy the "debate" was focused on different thematic issues in order to encourage better communication at the highest institutional level.
The conference discussed the technical preparation and implementation of the programs, EU cohesion and pre-accession policies, migration, the role of European regional legislative assemblies in EU territorial co-operation after 2020, the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR), and irregularities in the management of EU structural funds.
During the event, the Head of the Republic of Srpska Representation in Brussels Mr. Mario Đuragić spoke about the involvement of Republic of Srpska in CBC programmes, barriers in the level of assistance and measures in order to improve current situation in the region.
Additionally, Mr. Đuragić underlined the importance of establishing a structure in Republic of Srpska that will be managing EU funds. "Setting up such structure will help to ensure co-financing part for the RS organization taking part in different EU funded programmes but also to conduct training, exchange of knowledge and best practices for potential partners. Moreover, this action will prepare the RS to carry out the best possible implementation of Chapter 22 which covers Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments", stressed Mr. Đuragić.
The IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme is the result of joint programming work carried out by the relevant participating countries and as part of the cooperation process in the Adriatic area. The Programme draws its strength and incisiveness from the wide experience, gained during the previous Programme period producing concrete results from the studies and analysis financed in the past.